Starcatcher Press
Capstone Project:
While Starcatcher Press is my capstone project, it is also the beginning of my own small publishing company. For me, branding and marketing a small press is where my personal projects get to cross over with my profession. I’m not just a graphic designer, I’m also an author. My passion, no matter what medium I use, is fantasy and this is reflected in my press.
Of course I did not want to limit the press to just fantasy, so I tried to design the press’s branding so that it can support the publication of books in many different genres. Because I am an author I decided to brand, format, and promote my own books with Starcatcher Press. As such, this is a real website with published books. I would love for you to visit and perhaps even check out my writing.
Web Design
Book Design
Ad Campaign
Newsletter Campaign
Print Promotional Materials
Starcatcher Press Newsletter Onboarding